“Sanele Mwelase was simply outstanding as Ruggiero, Unfailingly musical, with exquisite sound on every single note;- each time he sang, he caught your attention. This is a major talent, no doubt about it..”
Albert Combrink (Cape Town Opera 2022 )
“The South African Countertenor puts his beautiful light voice and his sensitive and sober scenic play at the service of the courageous boy Ali whose destiny joins that of so many others who have the misfortune of being born in the worst places on the planet...”
Sébestien Foucart (The Classical Music Network 2024)
“Ali is interpreted very well by the young countertenor Sanele Mwelase. Originally from Johannesburg Soweto: his angelic voice in falsetto refers to childhood and purity and makes even more terrible, by contrast, the evidence that the young man (Ali) must undergo from the desert crossing to the year of imprisonment in Libya where he is beaten every day to convince his mother who remained in Somalia to sell the land to pay him for the Mediterranean crossing ”